Friday, October 17, 2008

Puzzlezz (?)

Hey Guys,

Hope you all doing good!! I came across few interesting B-School Puzzles. Try and solve them. Leave your answer as comments to the post, but try and be honest!!

  • 1st one:
There is a dragon with three heads, and three tails. And hou have a sword. You can either cut 1 head or 2 head or 1 tail or 2 tails of the dragon. If you cut 1 tail, 2 new tails appear. If you cut 2 tails, one new head appears. If you cut 1 head, one new head appears. And if you cut 2 heads, nothing appears. So in minimum how many strikes can you kill the dragon i.e. cut all its heads and tails.
  • 2nd one:
Emily writes a list of 10 numbers less than 100. Her list contains number in ascending order (i.e. smaller number appears before the greater one). Few other peculiarities of her list are: The difference between any two adjacent number is also a number in the list and when these number written in words, the total number of alphabets in each number is also is in increasing order. (i.e to say if the previous number has 3 alphabets in its word form, (eg number '2'), then the next number has more than 3 alphabets in its word form.)

Find the sum of all the 10 numbers of the list that Emily has!!

Well dats two for now. Have one more but for that will have to make a small pictorial presentation, so will add that in this one soon!! Till then try and solve them, especially the second one, which is quite challenging..

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